Upload all forms to MSA using this link. Please either upload by the week before camp, or bring with you the first day. If you have uploaded to Good Counsel for another camp MSA will still need yours so we can be sure the medical staff has the required information this week.
Medical Administration Form
If your child plans to bring an Epi-pen or inhaler to camp, a medical administration form is required. To access the form, click on the following link: Medical Administration Form. Fill out the form and bring it to the first aid manager at camp registration on the first morning of camp.
- Our Lady of Good Counsel DOES NOT administer any other type of medication.
- If a child is allowed to self-administer medication, please fill out the form listed above and bring it to the first aid manager at camp registration on the first morning of camp.
Medical Care Plan
- IMPORTANT: Any child who carries an epi-pen, or has diabetes, asthma, or seizures must submit a medical care plan that is signed by a doctor.
- If your child has seizures, asthma, diabetes, or carries an epi-pen, a medical care plan must be uploaded. If your doctor does not already have a signed form for you, please use the form listed below. All forms require a doctor’s signature.
Seizure Form
Asthma Form
Diabetes Form
Epi-Pen Form
If your child is not a resident of Maryland and does not attend school in Maryland, an immunization form is required to attend the camp. Please click on the following link to access the form: Maryland Immunization Form. Fill out the form and upload it to your child’s camp profile.